What is EGG?
Eagle Gaming Group is a group of faculty and students from Oklahoma Christian University that love to play games! EGG hosts two types of games: board games and Dungeons & Dragons, a tabletop roleplaying game.Where does EGG meet?
On Oklahoma Christian University's campus, in the cafeteria.When does EGG meet?
Friday nights at 7:00pm. Please be at least 10 minutes early; this allows us to make sure everyone has a seat at a table, make any announcements that are needed, and get the tables started on time.Where do I sign up to play?
If you want to play board games, email Professor Smith. If you want to play D&D, fill out the sign-up form.How do I get EGG email announcements?
Send an email to Camey Johnson, Professor Smith, or Corbin Murrow and ask to be put on the EGG mailing list.How do I stop getting EGG email announcements?
Send an email to Camey Johnson, Professor Smith, or Corbin Murrow and ask to be taken off the EGG mailing list.What kinds of board games are at EGG?
You won't find board games like Monopoly, Scrabble, or Candy Land at EGG (unless you bring them, that is). Instead you'll find board games like Small World, Settlers of Catan, Terra Mystica, King of Tokyo, Trajan, and many more! For more information, see our board game page or feel free to email Professor Smith.What edition of D&D is played at EGG?
We currently play 5th Edition D&D.What do I need to bring?
If you're playing board games, you only need to bring yourself! You can bring your own board game if you'd like, just email Professor Smith and let him know. If you're playing D&D, you need to bring your character information and a pen or pencil. You'll also need dice and a miniature. These can either be borrowed each Friday night or you can purchase your own from several different places.Can I bring my own board games to EGG?
Sure! Just email Professor Smith and let him know.What is D&D?
D&D stands for Dungeons & Dragons, and is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. To summarize, you and the other players create characters that you adventure with in a fantasy setting, fighting monsters and solving puzzles. To find out more check out our D&D page