EGG meets at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria on Friday nights. We play board games and tabletop role-playing games, and everyone is welcome to join us! We use an email group as our main form of information distribution, so if you or someone you know someone who wants to be on the EGG mailing list, have them email Professor Smith, Camey Johnson, or Corbin Murrow and they will be added.
Board games include a wide variety of modern and interesting board games. Professor Smith organizes the board game play and usually brings the games played. If you would like to help with board game planning or organization please contact Prof. Smith. He would appreciate help! Each week Prof. Smith will send an email to see how many people want to play board games that week. Everyone is welcome, but Prof. Smith needs a headcount to know how many kinds of games to bring. Watch your email for board game announcements each week and let Prof. Smith know if you plan to join in and if you have games you will bring or want to play!
As for RPGs, we are playing D&D 5E again this year but departing from the Adventurer's League organized play that we did last year. We have some great adventure modules lined up for this year and are really looking forward to it! If you want to DM, please send an email to Camey Johnson and Corbin Murrow. We welcome DMs of all skill levels and will make sure that first time DMs get placed at a table with experienced players who can help them along.
Professor Smith is in charge of coordinating the board games at EGG. If you'd like to play a board game, contact Prof. Smith at You can also let him know how many you have in your group, what games you would like to play, or what games you would like to bring.
Camey Johnson coordinates D&D at EGG. If you would like to be added to the EGG mailing list, send her an email at If you have any questions about D&D, or would like to DM, please send an email to both Camey and Corbin.