Reminder For Board Games This Friday
September 7, 2016
If you are going to join us for board games, please reply by Thursday morning so I can have an accurate count and be able to bring enough games.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
Prof. Smith
September 7, 2016
If you are going to join us for board games, please reply by Thursday morning so I can have an accurate count and be able to bring enough games.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
Prof. Smith
September 6, 2016
As Corbin's note just announced, we're back with games again this Friday!
If you would like to play board games please email me. Let me know how many people will be with you, and if you have a preference for any games.
At this time I do not have anything planned - I'll pick out some games based on who is joining!
Prof. Smith
P.S. - Email me if you're coming! Hope to see you there!
September 6, 2016
Hello all,
I got a few emails today with some great questzions about the D&D rules so I have updated the PDF and attached a new version. Additionally, I'll outline the changes below.
#1 and #3 make up a more general rule as well: at Egg we won't be rolling dice as any part of character creation or leveling. This is to keep the game fair for all players and so that DMs can verify where stats and hit point values have come from (via math!).
September 2, 2016
Hello all and welcome back to OC!
This Friday, September 9, will be the first meeting of Eagle Gaming Group (EGG) and we're really excited for it! Here is some useful information regarding the start of EGG.
EGG meets at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria on Friday nights. We play board games and tabletop role-playing games, and everyone is welcome to join us! We use an email group as our main form of information distribution, so if you or someone you know someone who wants to be on the EGG mailing list, have them email Professor Smith, Camey Johnson, or myself and we will get them added.
Board games include a wide variety of modern and interesting board games. Professor Smith organizes the board game play and usually brings the games played. If you would like to help with board game planning or organization please contact Prof. Smith. He would appreciate help! Each week Prof. Smith will send an email to see how many people want to play board games that week. Everyone is welcome, but Prof. Smith needs a headcount to know how many kinds of games to bring. Watch your email for board game announcements each week and let Prof. Smith know if you plan to join in and if you have games you will bring or want to play!
As for RPGs, we are playing D&D 5E again this year but departing from the Adventurer's League organized play that we did last year. We have some great adventure modules lined up for this year and are really looking forward to it! If you want to DM, please send an email to myself and Camey Johnson to let us know. We welcome DMs of all skill levels and will make sure that first time DMs get placed at a table with experienced players who can help them along.
We will be starting this year with new, level 1 characters. For the first session, you may make your own character or use a pre-created character that we will provide. I fyou want to use a pre-created character let us know when you sign up by typing "Pregen" in the Character Class box on the sign up form and I will email you some choices to pick from.
I have attached a document outlining the rule sthat we will be using for D&D this year. Please become familiar with them and if you have any questions, let myself or Camey Johnson know.
Lastly, sign ups for EGG D&D are officially opened and the form can be accesssed from We will be closing the sign up from at 5pm on Thursday, so if you want to play sign up soon! Make sure to tell your friends who are interested as well to sign up and email myself and Camey Johnson to get added to the EGG mailing list!
Thanks, see you Friday!
August 24, 2016
Greetings. You are receiving this email because you are on the EGG (Eagle Gaming Group) subscriber list.
If you no longer wish to receive these emails please let me know and I will remove you from the list.
EGG will be starting up on Friday 9/9/16. We will have sponsored board games and D&D. More information to follow.
If you are interested in DMing in D&D, please let me know ASAP.
Again this year Prof. Smith will be coordinating the board games and Camey Johnson and Coribn Murrow will be coordinating the D&D.
If you are aware of people who are interested but not yet part of EGG, feel free to send me their name and email address.
We are excited to get this year underway and are looking forward to seeing you again.
Camey Johnson